Oh man, now I'm gonna have to work out extra hard!.This part of the gum must have a lot of calories, 'cause I'm stuffed!.
Your stomach is starting to bulge, revealing your belly button. I'm having this every night for the rest of my life!.Wow! How does Wonka do this? It's amazing!.It's so good! Looks like you're skipping dinner tonight! What do you think? Eh, not Wonka's best candy, but it's ok.Oh, three course gum! I get it! This must be the first course!.You throw away the wrapper, and start chewing the gum. It says, 'WARNING: When blueberry is tasted, spit out gum immediatly!' Wonka is known for putting strange labels that mean nothing on his candy, so you ignore the warning.
It's called 'Wonka's Three Course Gum.' It's a beautiful day, so you decide to try this gum, while taking a stroll in the park.